Florida adopted a lightly edited version of the Common Core this year - deleting a few standards that were really obtuse. What we have is now called the Language Arts Florida Standards (LAFS) and the Mathematics Florida Standards (MAFS).
It is important to note the the LAFS are not substantive. That is, they don't say what a child should learn, only what skills he should have in each grade. For example, here is one of the standards for Kindergartners:
Recognize common types of texts. (e.g. storybooks, poems)
It doesn't say what books or poems Kindergartners should be reading or have read to them. Only that they should know the difference between a story and a poem. Ok.
The MAFS, on the other hand, are substantive, describing what math a child should know in each grade. For example, here is one of the standards for first graders:
Understand the meaning of the equal sign, and determine if equations involving addition and subtraction are true or false. For example, which of the following equations are true and which are false? 6=6, 7=8-1, 5+2=2+5, 4+1=5+2
The Singapore Math program that the Lake Worth Classical Academy will use for grades K-5 is aligned with the Common Core (and therefor also with the MAFS). That is, it will teach children what they need to know per these standards at each grade level.
The reading program that the Lake Worth Classical Academy will use -- Riggs phonics combined with Junior Great Books -- covers and goes well beyond the LAFS standards, which tend to emphasize reading comprehension.
We are not worried about the "Common Core" (LAFS and MAFS) affecting our curriculum. The bottom line is that it won't. Not at this point. Given the strength of our curriculum, our students should do very well on the state assessments that test whether they've met these standards of learning.
Here is a link to the LAFS standards for each grade: http://www.fldoe.org/pdf/lafs.pdf
Here is a link to the MAFS standards for each grade: http://www.fldoe.org/pdf/mathfs.pdf
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